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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 2 - Faculty and Academics
Previous Publication Date: December 20, 2017
Publication Date: December 15, 2020
Policy Reviewed Date: September 17, 2021
Policy Owner: VP for Academic Affairs

2.41 Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Faculty Fellowships

This is not the current policy. For the latest, click here.


This policy supports 世界杯官方app’s mission to build a highly qualified and diverse faculty in support of academic excellence.  


This policy ensures that 世界杯官方app’s procedures regarding the appointment, evaluation and reappointment of faculty to endowed positions are consistent with the Regents Rules and Regulations (Series 60202, Section 1).


This policy applies to the appointment, evaluation, and reappointment of faculty to endowed positions (Endowed Chair, Endowed Professorship, and Endowed Faculty Fellowship) as well as the budgetary processes associated with such positions.



世界杯官方app or UT System or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulations

  1. UT System Board of Regent’s Rule 60202, Endowed Academic Positions  
  2. HOP policy 2.05, Faculty Appointments, Salaries, Payment Plans, Distribution of Checks
  3. HOP policy 2.22, Comprehensive Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty
  4. HOP policy 2.23, Faculty Compensation for Additional Duties and Salary Adjustments


If you have any questions about HOP policy 2.41Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Faculty Fellowships, contact the following office:

The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


世界杯官方app has created endowed chairs, professorships and faculty fellowships as part of its continuing commitment to foster excellence in research and scholarly activity. Endowed chairs, professors and fellows are dedicated to promoting an intellectual environment that encourages the conduct of scholarship and teaching among faculty. They will consist of faculty who are accomplished scholars and have a commitment to improving research and teaching at 世界杯官方app.

Endowed Chair: The holder of an endowed chair should be considered as receiving one of the highest honors that can be bestowed on a faculty member. The highest level of performance, and national and international recognition of the performance, are inherent guidelines for appointment of a chair holder.

Endowed Professorship:The holder of an endowed professorship should be considered as receiving a high honor, as well as recognition of consistently outstanding performance and ability.

Endowed Faculty Fellowship:Endowed faculty fellowships will be used to provide temporary support (not to exceed one academic year) of distinguished scholars.


    1. President
      1. Requests prior approval of a Request for Budget Change from the University of Texas System Board of Regents.
      2. Makes final decision regarding an appointment to an endowed position and forwards the recommendation to the UT System.
    2. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
      1. Recommends appointment to the president of a faculty member to an endowed position on the basis of the recommendation of and the concurrence of the appropriate chair and dean.
      2. Consults with appropriate dean to develop a plan to fill a vacated endowed position.
      3. Reviews and approves Endowment Expenditure Plan submitted by deans holding endowed positions.
      4. Receives copies of Endowment Expenditure Plans from all colleges and transmits them to the Vice President for External Relations.
      5. Oversees comprehensive review process for all endowed positions.
    3. Vice President for External Relations
      1. Receives copies of Endowment Expenditure Plans from the provost.
    4. Dean
      1. Recommends candidates for appointment to endowed positions to the provost.
      2. Reviews evaluations conducted by the department chair of the Annual Performance Appraisal Report submitted by faculty in endowed positions in relation to their initial three-year and subsequent six-year plans.
      3. As part of the Comprehensive Review Process, reviews and recommends the reappointment of an incumbent in an endowed position to the provost.
      4. Reviews and approves the Endowment Expenditure Plan for faculty in endowed positions and forwards it to the provost.
    5. Department Chair
      1. May recommend candidates for appointment to endowed positions to the dean.
      2. As part of Annual Faculty Performance Appraisal process, evaluates accomplishments of faculty in endowed positions in relation to three-year and six-year comprehensive plans and forwards the evaluations to the dean.
      3. Reviews and approves Endowment Expenditure Plans submitted by faculty in endowed positions. Department chairs who hold endowed positions are reviewed by the dean. Forwards the plan to the dean.
      4. As part of the Comprehensive Review Process, reviews and recommends the reappointment of an incumbent in an endowed position to the dean.
    6. Endowed Chair and Endowed Professor
      1. Completes mandatory university endowment compliance training biannually.
      2. Develops a three-year plan with explicit expectations with short-term and long-term goals and submits it for approval to the department chair, dean or provost, as appropriate.
      3. Submits an annual Endowment Expenditure Plan to the department chair (or next higher level of approval, as appropriate). 
      4. Submits an Annual Report of activities as part of the Annual Faculty Performance Appraisal process.
      5. In the fall of the third year of the appointment, submits a comprehensive report related to the three-year plan to the department chair (or next higher level of approval, as appropriate) for review.
      6. If reappointed for a subsequent six years, develops a six-year plan with explicit short-term and long-term goals and submits it for approval to the department chair, dean or provost, as appropriate.
      7. In the fall of the last year of the appointment, submits a comprehensive report related to the six-year plan to the department chair (or next higher level of approval, as appropriate) for a review and recommendation concerning reappointment.
    7. Endowed Faculty Fellow
      1. Completes mandatory university endowment compliance training annually.
      2. Develops a one-year plan with explicit expectations regarding what is to be accomplished during that year.
      3. Submits an Annual Report of activities as part of the Annual Faculty Performance Appraisal Process.
      4. In the fall of each year appointed to the fellowship, submits a comprehensive report related to the one-year plan to the department chair (or next higher level of approval, as appropriate) for a review and recommendation concerning reappointment.


    1. Initial Appointment
      1. Prior to an initial appointment and in accordance with the Regents’ Rules and Regulations (Series 60202, Section 1), the president of 世界杯官方app submits a Request for Budget Change after review and approval by the appropriate Executive Vice Chancellor.
        1. All appointments to endowed chairs and endowed professorships shall be renewable term appointments. The initial appointment shall be for a period of     three years; subsequent appointments shall be for a period of six years. For the initial appointments, the department chair and/or dean will make a recommendation to the provost and/or president. The provost will make a recommendation to the president. The president makes the final decision and forwards the recommendation for approval of the initial appointment to the UT System.
        2. Endowed faculty fellowships are one-year appointments and are reviewed annually.
        3. The provost, with the approval of the president, may authorize a college to limit the number of terms that an individual may hold an endowed position.
        4. Appointment to an endowed position is separate from appointment to the faculty. A decision to award tenure to the current or prospective holder of an endowed position affects only the regular faculty appointment; it does not imply a commitment for continuance in the endowed position. The following general selection criteria will apply to the three endowment categories, and they should be used in the selection process. Additional appointment criteria which also should be considered are academic and instructional impact. Specific examples are found in “Qualifications and Evaluation Criteria for Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Fellowships” on the Provost’s web site.
          1. Endowed Chair: The institutional expectation of unquestionable excellence in at least one of the two professional performance dimensions (research and teaching) must be met in addition to any specific selection criteria associated with a particular endowed position. The appointment to an endowed chair may recognize a current member of the faculty or it may be associated with recruitment of a new faculty member; but, in all appointments, excellence should be evidenced by several years of outstanding performance based on national and international standards.
          2. Endowed Professorship: The institutional expectation of a distinguished record of performance in one of the two professional performance dimensions must be met, in addition to any specific selection criteria associated with a particular endowed position. The appointment to an endowed professorship may recognize a current member of the faculty or it may be associated with recruitment of a new faculty member.
          3. Endowed Faculty Fellowship: Endowed faculty fellowships will be used to provide temporary support (not to exceed one academic year) of distinguished scholars who are:
            1. In temporary residence at 世界杯官方app while participating in planned academic programs;
            2. Visiting scholars who are in temporary residence at the institution for special academic programs or purposes;
            3. 世界杯官方app faculty who have made unique contributions to academic life or to knowledge in their academic discipline; or
            4. 世界杯官方app faculty of any rank, irrespective of tenure status, who have been selected for teaching excellence through procedures established by the institution.
        5. As a condition of appointment, all endowed chairs and professors shall;
          1. Complete mandatory university compliance training.
          2. Develop a three-year plan to include both short-term and long-term goals that   details (1) how endowment funds will be expended in accordance with the original endowment and the Regents’ Rules and (2) projected activities and accomplishments for each year of the appointment cycle. The “Qualifications and Evaluation Criteria for Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Fellowships” on the Provost’s web site contains suggestions.
        6. As a condition of appointment, all endowed faculty fellows shall;
          1. Complete mandatory university endowment compliance training.
          2. Develop a one-year plan that details (1) how endowment funds will be expended in accordance with the original endowment and the Regents' Rules and (2) projected activities and accomplishments for the appointment cycle. The "Qualifications and Evaluation Criteria for Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Fellowships” on the Provost’s web site contains suggestions.
        7. As soon as it is known that an endowed position may become vacant, the    academic dean will consult with the provost. Together, they will develop a plan to fill the position consistent with the intent of the donor and the mission of the university.
    2. Annual Reviews, Comprehensive Reviews, and Reappointments
      Specific examples for evaluation criteria are found in “Qualifications and Evaluation Criteria for Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Fellowships” on the Provost’s web site.
      1. Annual Review
        1. Endowed professor or chair submits Annual Report as part of Annual Faculty Performance Appraisal process. The department chair and dean review the report within the context of the three-year, and subsequent six-year (if applicable) plans developed as part of initial appointment. The provost reviews Annual Reports submitted by deans.
        2. Endowed faculty fellow submits a comprehensive report related to the one-year plan developed in conjunction with appointment to the department chair (or next higher level of approval, as appropriate) for review and recommendation regarding reappointment.
      2. Third Year Review
        1. A comprehensive review and recommendation concerning reappointment of the endowed chair or professor will take place in the fall of the third year of the appointment and will be conducted by the appropriate department chair, dean, and the provost. The dean and provost review an endowment holder who is also a department chair. If the appointment is held by a dean, the provost reviews and determines reappointment.
        2. The endowed chair or professor submits materials for Third Year Review pertinent to the three-year plan developed during initial appointment and will include activities and accomplishments and a current curriculum vitae.
        3. If reappointed, the endowed chair or professor will prepare an extended or modified plan to cover the subsequent appointment period. The incumbent will provide an electronic copy of the plan to the department chair (or next higher level of approval, as appropriate).
        4. Subsequent appointments, if approved, are for six years.
      3. Six Year Review
        1. A comprehensive review and recommendation concerning reappointment of the endowed chair or professor will take place in the fall of the last year of the appointment and will be conducted by the appropriate department chair, dean and the provost. The dean and provost review an endowment holder who is also a department chair. If the appointment is held by a dean, the provost reviews and determines reappointment.
        2. Endowed chair or professor submits a report to the department chair (or next higher level of approval). The report shall consist of three parts: 
          1. A report of activities/accomplishments in the preceding appointment period as related to the plan developed during the after the third year review and reappointment.
          2. Current curriculum vitae.
          3. An extended or modified plan to cover the subsequent six-year appointment cycle if there is a reappointment.
        3. If reappointed, the endowed chair or professor will prepare an extended or modified plan to cover the subsequent appointment period. The incumbent will provide an electronic copy of the plan to the department chair (or next higher level of approval). 
        4. Subsequent appointments, if approved, are for six years.
    3. Endowment Expenditure Plan
      1. At the beginning of each academic year, the endowed chair, professor or faculty fellow submits an annual Endowment Expenditure Plan (EEP) through the department chair (or next higher level of approval, as appropriate) for review and approval. Copies of all approved EEPs will be submitted to the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will provide copies of the EEPs to the Office of the Vice President for External Relations.
    4. Fiscal Policies
      1. Distributions for Salary Supplementation: 世界杯官方app will pay from its funds such amounts as are necessary to set the salary of the holder at a level commensurate with his or her record, experience, and position in the faculty. At the discretion of the provost and the academic dean, distributions from the endowments may be used to supplement the incumbent’s salary in exceptional circumstances or where specified by statute or other recognized authority. Endowment distributions also may be used to pay an appropriate part of the salary of the holder of the endowed position commensurate with an authorized reduced faculty workload when required by other duties of the position or when the holder is on part-time or full-time research leave which is otherwise unfunded. It is provided specifically, however, that in no event will endowment distributions be used to supplant any other source of funds used to pay the base salary of the holder of the position when the holder is performing his or her regular duties.
      2. When an incumbent leaves the position, the dean shall be responsible for notifying the Vice President for External Relations and for submitting a revised Account Authorized Signature form to the director of accounting, who will then delete the signature authority for that individual. Only to the extent allowed by the donative instrument, and with the approval of the provost, may funds be expended from the endowment distribution if a position is vacant. Deans, with the approval of the provost, may use the funds to cover recruitment expenses relate to filling the position, enhance the start-up package to attract highly valued faculty, or re-invest some of the accumulated funds to further grow the endowment.
    5. Maintenance of Records
      1. A list of all endowed chairs, professorships, and faculty fellowships, including the purpose and any qualifications and restrictions designated by the donor, and their incumbents will be maintained by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for External Relations.
        1. All endowments for academic positions will be subject to periodic audit.
        2. The policy shall be reviewed every three years by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for External Relations.
    6. Contingency
      If at the time of the annual faculty review or during the comprehensive review for reappointment, an endowed chair, professor or faculty fellow is not achieving either the expected short-term or long-term goals specified in IX Procedures:A:1:e, the following will occur, the following will occur:
      1. A substantial gap between goals and accomplishments during the annual faculty review process will require the development of a detailed plan describing how the gap will be narrowed during the next academic year. Significant gaps continuing over a two-year period may result in non-reappointment as an endowed chair, professor or faculty fellow.
      2. A substantial gap between goals and accomplishments during the comprehensive review for reappointment may result in an additional review at a date recommended by the dean and determined by the provost or a non-reappointment as an endowed chair, professor or faculty fellow.







    XIII. Dates Approved/Amended
